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Sunday, December 9, 2007

My 3rd Birthday Party!

Look who came to see me! Daddy and Krysta's friends, Mike and Leah, brought their new puppy Bella to the party. She liked me and tried to jump on me to play with me. I even gave her a new doggie sweater in her treat bag!
My friend Lily who I loooovvee to play with! I add her in my prayers every night too! (I gave her that hat in her treat bag. I think she looks so cute!)

I got A LOT of presents and A LOT of new shark toys! I can't wait until I can play with all of them!
All of the kids...Zoe, Gracie, Lily, Aidan, and Zander. We all had so much fun playing together and watching Shark Tales!

Blowing out my candles!

Playing with Bella in the new sweater I gave her! Isn't she cute?
I'll let you decide who looks more tuckered out!
I had SO much fun at my birthday party this weekend. Daddy and Krysta made the day so special for me and for my friends. We played allllll night long! I was so excited when we went to the store to pick up my shark cake too! I also got so many nice presents. Daddy and Krysta have so many nice friends that came over to share my special day with me. Daddy and Krysta were so happy that they could come to my party! As you can see, I was very tired by the time the party ended. Krysta's Mommy and Daddy got me my new shark pillow (above) and he is the same size as me!!
Thank you to everyone who came to my party! I had so much fun with all of you and can't wait to play with you all again!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

My New Obsession!

My new obsession is coloring with my "magic" wonder markers! Krysta's Mommy brought me a Lightning and Mater coloring book when she came to visit and now that's all I want to do. I had Daddy pull my little table into the living room so I could watch Cars (the movie) and color Lightning and Mater from Cars at the same time. I already finished the book so it's time for a new one!

My Adventure Bag

This is my Elmo "Adventure" bag and I love it! When we go for walks, it has to come with us and I have to put all of my favorite toys in it. We even figured out how to fit my big shark in it so I can take him with too. Sometimes it gets to heavy for me to carry though and Daddy has to carry it and then I laugh because I think Daddy looks silly!

A Fun Halloween Weekend!

Wow!!! I was SUCH a busy boy on Halloween weekend! We did so many fun things! Daddy, Krysta, and I went to the pumpkin patch and picked out a pumpkin! Daddy picked out a big one and I picked out a little one. We came home and took out all of the gooey insides and then Daddy carved the face! My favorite part was putting it in the window and watching it glow. Krysta and I made Halloween cupcakes and and she let me put all of the sprinkles and pumpkins on. I got chocolate frosting all over my fingers and licked it off. Daddy said my cupcakes were the best ones he has ever had! THEN...we went for a walk to get breakfast and picked up leaves on the way home. I colored with my "magic" markers and Daddy and Krysta made leaf designs on paper with the leaves I picked out. We hung all of our artwork in the kitchen for everyone to see when they come over. After that, it was time for trick or treating! I did such a good job and got A LOT of candy! People said I was the cutest dragon they had ever seen! I saw a lot of scary halloween decorations too! I was a litle shy at first, but then I went up to the house, pushed the doorbell all by myself, and said, "trick or treater" or "trick or treating." Daddy and Krysta laughed! We had such a fun weekend and by Sunday afternoon, I was ready for a long nap! I can't wait to do it again next year!

Busy little boy!

Daddy and Krysta took me down to my favorite spot again - the BIG fountain! I love to put my hands in the water and splash and then I laaauuggghhhh! I had on my new coat and hat so Daddy and Krysta took my picture. Krysta liked them so much, she made them her new title on her very own blog!!