Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Fun Halloween Weekend!

Wow!!! I was SUCH a busy boy on Halloween weekend! We did so many fun things! Daddy, Krysta, and I went to the pumpkin patch and picked out a pumpkin! Daddy picked out a big one and I picked out a little one. We came home and took out all of the gooey insides and then Daddy carved the face! My favorite part was putting it in the window and watching it glow. Krysta and I made Halloween cupcakes and and she let me put all of the sprinkles and pumpkins on. I got chocolate frosting all over my fingers and licked it off. Daddy said my cupcakes were the best ones he has ever had! THEN...we went for a walk to get breakfast and picked up leaves on the way home. I colored with my "magic" markers and Daddy and Krysta made leaf designs on paper with the leaves I picked out. We hung all of our artwork in the kitchen for everyone to see when they come over. After that, it was time for trick or treating! I did such a good job and got A LOT of candy! People said I was the cutest dragon they had ever seen! I saw a lot of scary halloween decorations too! I was a litle shy at first, but then I went up to the house, pushed the doorbell all by myself, and said, "trick or treater" or "trick or treating." Daddy and Krysta laughed! We had such a fun weekend and by Sunday afternoon, I was ready for a long nap! I can't wait to do it again next year!

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